rainbow cubic sine waves
peace cube - twin light and colour cube - icon of sustainability, justice and catalyst for peace
the peace cubes
peace cube - twin light and colour cube - icon of sustainability, justice and catalyst for peace
rainbow cubic sine waves
templates | gifts of light | journey of light, reconciliation & peace | journey of the peace cubes
gandhi-king season | oh say can you see | digital bridges in peace | queries on opening to the light |
dedication | peace faces | domino peace tiles | a brief history | contribute | about | contact

the peace cubes - an introduction

the peace cubes - virtual light and colour cubes are a pair of virtual entities with dimensions of red, green and blue, that contain all colours, and within which the colour at any point is equal to the sum of their red, green and blue coordinates - based on the html expression color="rrggbb" - where rr, gg and bb are two-digit hexadecimal numbers.

there are two peace cubes that are:

mirror images mirror images and
photographic negatives photographic negatives of each other.

the peace cubes offer a new - light-centred - framework for understanding light and colour and serve as gateways to new dimensions of light and colour and to an appreciation of the properties of knowledge-based economies, societies and environments - and as symbols for one light in all of creation. what is more they are appealing to children of all ages - from infants to the elderly - offering endless visual fascination, and an invitation to playfully explore the many facets of their beauty. follow the journey of the peace cubes - with thumbnail images of each of the links, to learn more about their history and development.

please visit the links on this page to begin to discover the wonders of the peace cubes. you can click on templates to access printer-ready pages that will allow you to assemble your own peace cubes - and sets of "peace faces" and "domino peace tiles" - that can provide hours of enjoyment for children of all ages. explore some of the online series of images based on the peace cubes. if you enjoy the peace cubes, please share them with friends - and please consider making a contribution to help make the peace cubes more widely available,

white line white line white line

peace cube - twin light and colour cube - icon of sustainability, justice and catalyst for peace
the peace cubes
peace cube - twin light and colour cube - icon of sustainability, justice and catalyst for peace
templates | gifts of light | journey of light, reconciliation & peace | journey of the peace cubes
gandhi-king season | oh say can you see | digital bridges in peace | queries on opening to the light |
dedication | peace faces | domino peace tiles | a brief history | contribute | about | contact

the peace cubes are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license