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Housing Court of Kings
access to informationeconomicshabitat & human settlementsinformation ecologylaw and the courtsnew york city |
    Role: Founder and Information Ecologist
    Design, develop and implement a demonstration model of an online information ecology framework to provide increased equity for tenants - particularly those proceeding on a pro se basis in Landlord/Tenant cases in Housing Court.

    The initiative takes its name from an real life case involving the defense of Information Habitat's home in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of Kings - better known to the world as Brooklyn.

    The Housing Court of Kings offers a design that draws on the power of the Internet and modern information technology - in conjunction with relevant international agreements - to remedy the Court's antiquated and dysfunctional information system that is a primary means by which equal protection under the law is systematically denied for low income tenants unable to qualify for legal assistance.

    Housing Court of Kings also seeks to remedy current absence of any systematic documentation of the nature of the tenants' counterclaims and of the physical and environmental conditions in the tenant's apartment and building.

    The project was conceived as a model by which local governmental bodies can and to demonstrate the value of consideration of relevant recommendations from the Habitat Agenda and from Agenda 21.

Brooklyn, NY
    Alice in Cyberwonderland
    Not yet told in full, Alice in Cyberwonderland begins when Alice is exploring her new wireless notebook computer at her favourite spot in the woods, alongside the bank of a stream. Then a white rabbit dashes up to the screen, pauses to say to Alice, "I have to take this shortcut. Follow me!" - and Alice does ...

    Motion for Recognition of John Doe's Competence to Represent Respondents as a pro se Attorney in this Case
    Pro se Motion filed in Rama and Manjula, a Corporation against Fye and Doe, Index No. 70826/00, in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of Kings County, New York, presenting arguments for the recognition of John Doe's competence to proceed on a pro se basis in the case.

    Motion to Vacate Stipulation of Settlement as Fatally Defective
    Pro se Motion in the case of Rama and Manjula, a Corporation, against Fye and Doe, in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of Kings County, New York, on the grounds that the stipulation of settlement in the case was fatally defective, presenting arguments and evidence, inter alia, as to illegal actions by Petitioner (Rama and Manjula) including failure to register the premises as a multiple dwelling and failure to provide adequate heat and hot water, defects in the Court's information system, arguing for consideration of the principles of Agenda 21 and the Habitat Agenda in the Housing Court and for the introduction of a comprehensive housing information system and the provision of opportunities for electronic filing and service of documents.

    Motion to Rescind Five Day Notice on the Grounds of Lack of Jurisdiction
    Pro se Motion in Rama and Manjula, a Corporation, against Fye and Doe in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the County of Kings, New York arguing to rescind a five day eviction notice on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction.

    Motion to Permit Submission of Additional Counterclaims
    Motion asserting the right to submit additional counterclaims in response to economic harm suffered by Respondents as a result of the Landlord's unlawful use of the Housing Court in this case.

    Housing Court of Kings: A framework for information ecology and the administration of Justice
    Information ecology, justice and the law. A framework and a test case / case study in an information ecology-enabled transformation of the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County - better known as Brooklyn. Housing Court of kings is also intended to serve as a model framework to strengthen the role of Housing Courts to do justice to the rights of tenants, and to the responsibilities of landlords to maintain their properties in a lawful, ecologically-sound manner in keeping with the language and the spirit of international agreements on sustainable housing and sustainable communities and cities, and on sustainable, participatory development.

    Respondents' Overview of Events Concerning Landlord's Failure to Provide Adequate Heat and Hot Water - among Many Other Failures to Maintain Warrant of Habitability - and Landlord's Retaliatory Refusal to Renew Lease
    Overview of the Landlord's failure to provide heat, and Landlord's retaliatory response to a legitimate and validated complaint to the appropriate authority of the City of New York, with submission of relevant weather records obtained from the official web site of the National Weather Center at La Guardia Airport.

    Affidavit #2 in Support of an Order to Show Cause to Vacate Judgement and to Restore to the Calendar
    Affidavit providing an overview of the grounds for the judge to vacate a Stipulation of Settlement that had been entered into without the jurisdiction of the Court and that had failed to provide reasonable due process.

    Affidavit #3 in Support of an Order to Show Cause to Vacate Judgement and to Restore to the Calendar
    Affidavit filed in Rama and Manjula, a Corporation against Fye and Doe, Index No. 70826/00, in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of Kings County, New York, summarizing arguments as to why the Court's Judgments, raising issues, inter alia, of jurisdictional and procedural errors, and the Court's failure to uphold 14th Amendment requirements to provide equal protection under the law.

    Documents submitted by Respondents in Response to Interim Order of 2001.02.08
    Listing of documents filed by pro se tenants in response to an Interim Order of the Court requesting resubmission of the documents as the Court was unable to find the original documents.

    Revised form for Tenant's Affidavit in Support of an Order to Show Cause to Vacate Judgement and to Restore to the Calendar
    A revised form for Tenant's Affidavit offered for use by the Housing Court of Kings County, New York (Brooklyn), The form - which would be accessible online, with interactive help options, and in portable electronic formats - makes provision for documentation of the specifics of the Landlord's failure to maintain a "warrant of habitability", and provides optional additional space for describing additional details related to a Tenant's defense.

    Tenant's Affidavit in Support of an Order to Show Cause to Vacate Judgement and to Restore to the Calendar
    Final, unsuccessful affidavit - submitted on the newly-designed form for Tenant's Affidavits - that documents clearly violations of Housing Code - the resolution of which was supposed to be a precondition for any payment of rent, presents other detailed arguments in the Tenant's defense, and describes how the newly-designed form would work.

Housing Court of Kings
access to informationeconomicshabitat & human settlementsinformation ecologylaw and the courtsnew york city |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license