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Peace Cubes
DataPerfect Digital Engines - an Open Source Curriculum M New York, NY
2004 Gandhi-King Season - Compassionate Action for Global Healing New York, NY
Uniting for Peace Coalition New York, NY
2003 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence New York, NY
Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Source Curriculum New York, NY
Image Habitat Engine New York, NY
Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace New York, NY
September 11 Peace Memorials New York, NY
Rainbow Cubic Sine Waves New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force New York, NY
The Ark of Hope New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum New York, NY
CSD Exhibit on Water and Health
  • Spontaneous installation of a complex and evolving multi-material installation / exhibit on the theme of of a UN Commission on Water and Health. The exhibit began in Conference Room C at UN Headquarters, and for its final two days, moved into a space that became open close to the Vienna Café where it provoked interest and discussion among participants in the 8th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
New York, NY
Gaia University New York, NY
Information Ecology Caucus New York, NY
Whitehaven and Whitgift Trust
  • Development and implementation of strategy for growing and cutivating the Whitehaven and Whitgift Trust, charitable body Whitehaven and Whitgift; registered and managed a set of Internet domains as a foundation for Gaia University - based on evidence of an emerging proof of the Gaia Mind hypothesis, and the restoration of the Pythagorean and Hippocractic / Pythagorean Oath to "First do no harm in acknowledment of the presence of One Light in the whole of Creation.
New York, NY
Whitehaven and Whitgift New York, NY
Y2K Tri-State Network New York, NY
19th Special Session of the General Assembly New York, NY
5th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Peace Cubes / Virtual Light and Colour Cubes
  • Development and dissemination of a proliferating set of images based on developed models of the peace cubes / virtual light and color cubes as embodiments of properties of light and of nature. The existence of the cubes was discovered in response to a request from the outgoing Executive Director of UN-Habitat to explore the use of colour to identify the role of partners in a proposed web site for follow-up to Habitat II.

    The Light and Colour Cubes were dedicated as Peace Cubes at an Equinox Earthday celebration next to the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters in March 1997 and have emerged as icons of Information Ecology and of a holistic approach - with the dimensions of red, blue and green appearing to correspond to dimensions of economy, society and environment - the three "pillars of sustainability" - as well as to dimensions of body, mind and spirit.

New York, NY
Earth Society Foundation New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations New York, NY
UN Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Journey through Rio, Istanbul and Beyond Baltimore, MD
The Johns Hopkins University, Social Relations Department
  • M.A. 1973, completing all Ph.D. requirements except dissertation. Specialized in small group dynamics, interpersonal and organizational behaviour, personality, criminology, quantitative research methods and mathematical sociology. Research Assistant on National Science Foundation projects, with a focus on data management, measurement, analysis and presentation, research design and methodology, computer programming, communication dynamics, and measurement of interpersonal behaviour and personality.

    The Johns Hopkins University was founded by Johns Hopkins, a Baltimore Quaker, yet by 1973, it was by far the largest university as measured by military contracts and research grants. An alternative approach to knowledge

Baltimore, MD
Whitgift School
  • House Prefect. Advanced Level GCE in Pure Maths, Applied Maths and Physics; Ordinary Level GCE in Mathematics, English, French, Latin, Greek and History.

    Whitgift School was founded in 1595 by Archbishop John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, and served as the principal tutor of Francis Bacon. The root of the name Whitgift is "white gift" - a name that has resonated with the appreciation of the peace cubes as "gifts of light."

Croydon, United Kingdom
Global Business Hearings on Financing for Development New York, NY

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