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Sustainable Economics
DataPerfect Digital Engines - an Open Source Curriculum New York, NY
H2O Partners New York, NY
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum New York, NY
Essential Economics: Towards a Holistic Framework
  • Created framework for "Essential Economics" as a basis for revisiting and clarifying assumptions of classical microeconomic pricing theory. The Essential Economics model, developed in the context of Holistic approaches to freshwater and an inquiry into the nature of water as an economic good, sees an economic transaction as a process at the intersection of flows of labour, money, knowledge, material resources, energy, infrastructure, etc. - flows whose properties may be altered by the transaction.

    The Essential Economics framework was a primary catalyst for the development of a general framework for sustainable economics.

New York, NY
Habitat II Online Partnership Plan of Action
  • Conceived, developed and implemented a comprehensive strategy for exchange of, and access to, information among partners in preparation for the 1996 Habitat II Conference; managed and moderated electronic mailing lists for Habitat II participants and for related NGO Committees and networks; generated directories of NGO participants; established and maintained a web site for Habitat II that was recognized as the official conference site; developed structured web site for the Habitat Agenda and for follow-up to to the agreements reached by U.N. Member States.
New York, NY

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

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